Monday, May 16, 2011

**Young Adults(ya) 4 Jesus**


Welcome to YA 4 Jesus- YALL***
Well, this is super cool. Kickstarting my blog has been fun and something ive been considering for a while now. Jesus sure knows how to equip you with the right means and resources to become 'Clued up' with the ever revolutionary techno! haha!!

okay, So, basically this blog is my own personal diary, where i will be HAPPY CHAPPY or down right poopy- whether im neither or both i will be blogging away about my journey with Christ.

I think many of us could relate to some of my future blogs and its great to read that there are people with similar booo's and aaaaa's of life, love and day to day testamonies.

Okie dokie...

WOW, my 1st BLog. haha. such a weirdo, at least im a weirdo for JEsus right?

Heres some useless info about me:

- Im 21 years old.
- Became a rededicated Christian on: march 30th, 2010 and going strong ever since.
-blonde at the moment???
-work for ERA REAL ESTATE and Lurving it.
-Kickstarting my bible studies soonish.
-family orientated! woopA!
-part of the Volle Evangelie Kerk community. FULL Gospel Church
-and the rest is well-to be continued!

                                                      Whats on my mind today:             
Im not sure about you guys, but i tend to get too involved in my friends issues that sometimes i feel like screaming my brains out. WHY WONT THEY LISTEN to ME???? Sometimes speaking some sense into them seems Like speaking to a massive brick wall!! 

So last night, lay in bed having my usual chat with Jesus, asking what i should do? How can i get through to them? Prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide my every word. . . . . . .  Then it hit me. 
Would i take my friends constructive advice if i was in there shoes? PROBABLY NOT! I would take what they said into consideration but truly focus on what they said, NO!
I'd FOCUS ON WHAT GOD SAYS! I would rely on GOd to lead me through that situation and there will prob be 2 options: 1. I'd bump my head and be disciplined bcoz of it or 2. I'd make it through unscathed and Happy! I guess what im trying to get across is that i VALUE GOds will and truth and word more than others. I will listen to my friends advice objectively and if they do make perfect sense i will test what they said with an open mind. If they happened to be right in the end of it all, I would prob thank them for having way MORE sense than i did, but id feel like a winner coz i learnt my way through GOds way which makes perfect sense in my perfect little world.
So yeah, I guess i need to push brakes concerning my friends and Give them the space and time to figure it all on their time but on Gods terms.
WOW, feel a pound lighter. haha.. Darn it, blogging is great.

On my way home saw a sunset that made me smile like a wacko... OUR GOD IS A LIVING GOD. ANyone say AMEN to that! hehe :-)

Night friendly bloggers..

Be Blessed

                      Bible Verse: Proverbs 17:17- A friend Loveth all the time!

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